Klara Wilke
I founded Klara’s kitchen with my partner in 2016. We specialize in healthy plant-based nutrition.
I have been an enthusiastic pilates and yoga teacher since 2005 with over 1500 hours of teacher training. I was introduced to yoga and Pilates during my dance and acting training 20 years ago and it has been an important part of my life ever since.
I ran my own yoga studio QiYoga in Zurich for 8 years. Since the birth of my son, I have been particularly interested in pregnancy and postnatal yoga and love to accompany women during this wonderful time.
In addition to the physical processes and physical exercises, I am fascinated by the human being as a whole. Due to my thirst for knowledge and curiosity, I continue to educate myself therapeutically and spiritually and let the knowledge and my experience flow into one another in kinesiology, Ayurveda and much more.
Trainings Yoga and Pilates
2017 – 2019
300h Teacher Training mit Stephan Thomas
2014 – 2017
Diverse Aus – und Weiterbildungen u. A. mit Rae Indigo, Dharma Mittra, Doug Keller
Schwangerschafts – und Rückbildungsyoga Ausbildung bei Karolina Schmid
2014 – 2016
Pilatesausbildung Geräte und Mat Class PilatesSwiss
Yoga Aufenthalt in Goa Indien
TT Vinyasa Yoga bei Yogalives (200h)
Yin Yoga Weiterbildung mit Josh Summers
Yoga Aufenthalt in Goa und Kerala Indien
BodyArt Instruktor bei Robert Steinbacher
Pilatesweiterbildung bei Body Mind Spirit
2009 – 2010
Yogalehrer – Weiterbildung bei Yoga Vidya
Personaltrainer Ausbildung SAFS
2005 – 2006
Yoga und Pilates Instruktorin, SAFS
Further education and training in the therapeutic field
2021 – 2022
Energetikerin Paracelsus Heilpraktikerschule
2020 – 2021
Systemische Kinesiologie
2015 – 2016
Ganzheitlicher Ernährungsberater Paracelsus Zürich
Lomi Lomi Massage
Reiki I – II
Esalen Massage Esalen Center Zürich
Kinesiologie touch for health I-II IKAMED Zürich
2011 – 2012
Triggerpunkte – Behandlung, Fussreflexzonen – Massage, Lymphdrainage Massage
Dorn – Breuss Therapie
Bioenergie- Therapie Zürich
Ayurveda Marma Massage
Cooperation and friends
- Simone Rieger: www.drsimonerieger.com
- Julia Badum: www.juliabadum.com
- Noré Parada: www.noreparada.ch