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Yoga – connection and unity of body, mind and soul

Yoga means connection. A regular yoga practice brings about a harmonization of body, mind and soul.
Patañjali Yoga Sūtra 1.2. योगश्चित्तवृत्तिनिरोधः yogaś-citta-vṛtti-nirodhaḥ || Yoga is the bringing to rest (nirodha) of the fluctuations (vritti) of consciousness (chitta).

The millennia-old Indian Hindu science and Vedic philosophy of yoga and its methods of keeping the body vital, the mind calm and the emotions balanced found their way to the West at the end of the 19th century and a continuing global expansion and popularization.

The diverse styles that have emerged in the last hundred years from the classical Hatha-Yoga like the dynamic Vinyasa Flow, in which the breath (prana) is connected with the (movement-) consciousness (chitta) in flowing transitions of the asana (position), is also suitable for non-spiritually seeking humans of all ages, religions and constitutions. 

Nowadays, it`s almost impossible to imagine our modern society and physical culture without practicing yoga. It has turned out that a longer, regular practice of Yoga (Asana – postures; Pranayama – breathing techniques; meditation) fosters the wholeness of the human beings on a physical, energetic and mental level and brings them deep into the “true Self”.

At QiYoga we offer a wide spectrum of various yoga styles in different levels (I-III), ranging from Basic Yoga for beginners, Vinyasa Flow for the energy boost to Aerial, Anusara, Hatha and the regenerating yoga styles Fascia and Yin Yoga

 * «yoga» is a Sanskrit noun, derived from the verb root yuj whose original meaning lies in the harnessing of (draft) animals, in harnessing under the yoke. The word “yoga” first appeared in the 5th century BC in the Upanishads – a collection of philosophical writings of Hinduism, and stood for a seated form of meditation to control the senses.

QiYoga Zürich Yoga